Some analysts (including the president of the Council on Foreign Relations) argue that the US should abandon the ambiguous security relationship with Taiwan and come out in favor of an alliance arrangement based on a clear and credible commitment to def..

Research Question: Some analysts (including the president of the Council on Foreign Relations) argue that the US should abandon the ambiguous security relationship with Taiwan and come out in favor of an alliance arrangement based on a clear and credible commitment to defend Taiwans independence and sovereignty. Why do other analysts contend that instead of deterring China, such a move is more likely to provoke a strong aggressive response? What is the logic of an alternative strategy advocated by scholar/practitioners such as Christensen? Do any of the competing approaches stand out as optimal? Why or why not?

Paper should be around 1600-1700 words; excluding footnotes and bibliography

I have included three possible research articles to use, feel free to use others as needed. All sources must be properly cited using a standard style format (e.g., Chicago) and include a bibliography

The Contemporary Security Dilemma: Deterring a Taiwan Conflict – Thomas Christensen

The Author Thomas Christensen examines the security dilemma and ways to deter a conflict between the United States and China on the independence of Taiwan. Christensen explores ways the United States could be tough on Beijing without starting an armed conflict. One of his main strategies is that the United States make a commitment to Taiwans freedom and democracy (threat) however not ist sovereignty (assurance).

Why China Cannot Conquer Taiwan – Michael OHanlon
Michael OHanlon argues that throughout the next decade even without US military involvement – China will not be able to conquer Taiwan. However, OHanlon strategy is that the United States should not come out and say it will defend Taiwan. He argues that Taiwan could see this backing as the US encouraging Taiwan to fight for its independence. Which could lead to military confrontation between the United States and China.

The United States, China, and Taiwan: A Strategy to Prevent War – Robert D. Blackwill and Philip Zelikow
The authors Robert D. Blackwill and Philip Zelikow argue and advise that the United States clarify its stance on Taiwan that it will support Taiwans self governance, free society and US allies will deter any invasions; while not starting a Chinese attack on Taiwan. The three main points to the US – Taiwan strategy the authors advise is – Affirm the US is not trying to change Taiwans status, work with its allies to come up with a plan to challenge Chinese military moves and put the burden of a war on China, and finally to plan in advance for a military conflict and making sure these conflicts do not appear on Chinese or American soil. 

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