Mix Method Study

Choose one mixed-methods research articles from the required readings for this unit (linked in Resources). Critically read these articles and analyze how they align with what you have read about mixed methods in your Creswell and Creswell Research Design text. In addition, pay particular attention to how the study is structured (introduction, purpose, literature review, and so on) and to the research design.

Then, complete the following for each study:

Summarize each article using the template from the Quantitative and Qualitative Research Papers media (linked in Resources).

Use the four-part format as you have done for the parallel assignments in Units 3 and 5, adapting the content as needed for a mixed-methods study. Include the following section headings:

Introduction. Summarize the research theory framework. List the research questions, the studys purpose, and possible independent and dependent variables. Describe how the design embodies a mixed-methods approach.

Methodology. Describe the study sample (number of participants, where they were studied, and their demographics), the study’s instruments, and the procedures used. Note how threats to validity and any legal or ethical issues were addressed.

Results. Include a comprehensive summary of the major findings of the study.

Discussion/Conclusion. Describe how the study’s findings fit into the systems literature, the strengths and limitations of the findings, and recommendations and implications for research and practice.

At the end of your synopsis, provide the following:

An analysis of how the studies you have chosen aligns with the Creswell and Creswell texts explanations about the various characteristics of mixed-methods research.

What makes each study a mixed-methods study?

A discussion about whether or how the research matters.
Consider the following:
Under what circumstances could it be applied to practice?

Were there weaknesses in the research? If so, how could you improve the study?

What further research would you suggest based on questions unanswered or raised by the research?

A list of outstanding questions that you have regarding mixed-methods methodology and design. This should include an honest, personal list of mixed-methods research dynamics upon which you would like to do additional reading and study.

Additional Requirements
Formal title page (with header).
Subheadings for each section.
APA-formatted citations within the narrative.
An APA-formatted reference list of scholarly sources.

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