
This module is intended to introduce MATLAB. Download the instructions on solving equations in MATLAB and work through the exercises. Save a script as described and upload it here.
Open a new script in MATLAB titled Intro_to_MATLAB_Firstname_Lastname.m, using your name. (For example, if your name is Stuart Dent, please title the file Intro_to_MATLAB_Stuart_Dent.m.)
The first command should display your name: disp(Firstname Lastname)
At the start of each exercise, display the number of the exercise with disp(Exercise N), where N is replaced by the number of that exercise. If your answer includes a graph, precede the plot command by figure(Name,Exercise N,NumberTitle,off);, where again N is replaced by the number of the exercise, but the command is otherwise entered exactly as shown.
Include working commands and any explanatory comments to answer the questions. Your answers should appear as the output of the script. Use the display command for written responses.
Be sure that your commands work as you intended! Before you submit your assignment, clear your workspace and run your script to test it.
You may work with your classmates on these exercises, but make sure that your submission entirely reflects your own work. Submitted labs that appear to be copied will not receive credit.

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