
Pick a retailer in your community where you have previously shopped. This must be a location you can visit as part of this assignment, and the company must have a web presence. Do not select a retailer that is only Brick or only Click. What you are looking for is consistency in branding, messaging, and communications intent between the Brick and Click options. For purposes of this exercise, do not pick a restaurant or bank. You dont need to buy anything, but if you can, thats fine. Answer the following questions in relation to this retailer.
Prior to Your Brick Visit:
1. What marketing communication and media messages did you see or hear? What types of media were used and what was the message? Here are some examples, but you are not limited to these: a. Broadcast Ad – Television or Radio b. Print Media Newspapers, Magazines, Direct Mail, Catalogs, Coupons c. Sale Promotion Novelty Ads T-shirts, Pens, Mugs, Shopping Bags d. Transit Ads on Buses, Trains, Billboards e. Online Emails, Websites, Social Media, Wireless f. Store Credit Cards and Related Offers; Sales and Discounts g. Sales People h. Publicity, Public Relations, Newsletters, Media Coverage
During Your Brick Visit:
2. What marketing communication and media messages did you receive at the store? Notice everything. Were they consistent with what you heard in advance? Bring this list with you if you like. Again you are not limited to these: a. Outdoor and Indoor Signage b. Directional Information c. Displays and Display Signage, including Sale Information d. Deals and Weekly Specials e. Merchandise Tags f. Employee Uniforms and Nametags g. Helpful Employees h. Shopping Cart Display Ads i. Kiosks to Get to Online Catalog j. Music Playing and Any Ads Within It k. Store Announcements over the PA System l. Option for Lay-Away, Gift Wrap, and other Services m. Sales and Discounts At the Brick Checkout:
3. As you completed your purchase, which marketing communication messages did you observe? Elaborate on these and any you observed not listed. a. Greeting by Cashier b. Bagging by an Employee, or not c. Store Name on Badges, Uniforms, Shopping Bags d. Thank You from Cashier e. Offer to Return, like Coupons f. Frequent Visitor Membership Card, Loyalty Programs g. Option for Impulse Purchases at the Register or While in Line

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