Identifying a Population in a Selected Community Discussions

A few indicators of a population would be those identified in your Community Assessment as vulnerable populations, or those at risk, for example the homeless, adolescents, pregnant, elderly, and those with associated health problems such as diabetes, STDs, malnutrition, cancer, obesity, cardiovascular disease, lung disease, etc

To start your search and interest you might look at your community assessment, or look at information in your local public health department websites, the CDC, (CDC Wonder databases and Healthypeople 2020, 2030) and other evidence-based websites that the CDC supports.

Address the following points:

Briefly describe the selected community and practice setting, the determinants of health, and health problems that are magnified. What population is most at risk and that you have identified. Define the population and particular issues related to health risks and problems.

at least (2) professional references, one may be the course textbook, properly cited in the current APA format.

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