Drugs and Happiness

This is a philosophy paper. Use the previous paper and the attached reading materials to write it. You may quote from the internet but at least 60% of the quote should be from the reading materials. Please read the instructors direction below. One more important point for me is to use simple vocabulary to write the paper (Im an international student. I need to understand every single part before I submit it).
This paper should be at least four full pages long (you can go up to a maximum of six if necessary). They will be double spaced, and paginated (meaning page numbers). Maximum point size is 12 point. The students name will appear on a cover sheet (cover sheet does not count as a page of your paper nor does a bibliography sheet). You can provide a title for your paper if you wish. All papers must be written in a clean style that is properly spell-checked. Your sentence structure, spelling and grammar will all be judged as part of your grade.
The grades will be based upon the students comprehension of the theories, creativity and reasoned and rational construction of a position that demonstrates your opinion on the assigned material. Write in the first person. Going into your paper, remember there is a general outline of organization that you should consider while writing this assignment. Some reminders on how to formulate a paper and keep this outline in mind:
1)    THESIS STATEMENT: Explain what you are going to do and spell out whose side you are taking from the beginning.
2)    Defense: After your thesis statement, go right into your defense. Defend your position. Explain why you are favoring one over another.
3)    Opposition: After your defense, go into the examination of the position you see as inferior or lacking compared to the one you favor. You should give consideration to that position you oppose but drive home why you do not favor it.
4)    Conclusion: Basically, recap what youve just covered. Provide some closing comments and this is your final point in driving home your thoughts in this paper. This involves explaining your closing thoughts.
Remember: You should be able to support your positions with quotes from the assigned philosopher or position in question with citations. Use quotes poignantly and equitably.
For citation, use the reading material of each subject from the Greeks and Romans all the way through liberty, drug use and gun control, of course, are the sources for your paper. You do not have to use all of them in one paper. As the topics below suggest, you may focus on only two areas from the primary texts. Failure to address assigned material in this class will result in an F.
NO PLAGIARISING from any other sources, though you may attribute support material from other sources if you wish. An act of plagiarism results in a ZERO and potential additional discipline from the college.
Here is the topic for a paper:
Aristotle outlines a specific and rigid doctrine for happiness. The arguments from the book Ethics in Practice covers areas of happiness regarding drug use. One argument in the Ethics in Practice book argues keeping drugs illegal leads to more happiness. The other argument states legalizing certain drugs leads to more happiness. How does Aristotles position compare to the drug arguments (whichever side of that debate you choose) and which thinker do you prefer Aristotle or the author of the drug argument?
**** The below part is optional if you would like to add it. (think of does libertarian has any effect on happiness?) ****
Aristotle argues for a call to action and a higher form of excellence in the piece we read. In other words we owe it to society to not be content with just doing the minimum. John Stuart Mill argues from a libertarian point of view that we owe the state virtually nothing and the state should only be there to protect our liberties. Compare the two theories and explain who you favor.

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