Please AGREE OR DISAGREE with the following statement: you must use 4 sources, 1 sources must be: Probation, Parole And Community CorrectionsChampionISBN 978-0-13-613058-1
Probation, one of the two main types of community corrections (parole being the other) allows for the supervision of criminal offenders within their respective resident communities.Offered in lieu of incarceration the community corrections system of probation can provide supervision,rehabilitation, treatment, victim restitution and public safety. New York City has decreased both crime and it’s incarceration rates by transforming policing and correctional strategies. Probation is the citys largest alternative to incarceration program and has assisted in both reducing crime and the number of New Yorkers who end up imprisoned.Inovative programs including the NY Probation Department’s “Neighborhood Opportunity Network”(NEON) keep young probationers (16-24)on course by moving probation officers into the neighborhoods to directly supervise offenders while offering social services, educational and vocational training. Probationers participating in this program are re-arrested 23 percent less than non-participants.
Recent legislation passed by New York State allows for greater judicial discretion in establishing probation terms for both felony and misdemeanor cases. Judges can now impose probation sentances that more accurately reflect the severity of the crime. The Courts and Probation Departments can concentrate resources on individuals who pose the greatest threat to public safety while also focusing on programs that have proven effective in the reduction of recidivism.