Due in 24 hours. No Plagiarism. Check the link below for the instruction file. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BGQOKL05mtDjlyzvN_XLxr8NVoF_TO-Z/view?usp=sharing Check the link below for the data file. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tg8FInb_-DZNk-x4ZFpO7Dacp_1W-mYe/view?usp=sharing
Archive for the ‘Mathematics’ Category
Influence Of Economics On Household Decision Making
Due in 18 hours. No Plagirism. Turnintin Report is must. Scenario: Consider your last big purchase such as a car, appliances, home repairs, home purchase, computer equipment, college tuition, or another “big-ticket” item, which are often purchased using loans/financing (by borrowing money). Also consider your decision-making process that led you to choose a particular make, […]
Statistic MRA
Please go through the problem statement and find the Dataset attached in the Project Section. Dataset: Coffee Cafe Night (Attached) “The data set provided to you is the data set of a Caf Chain for one of its restaurants. Do a thorough analysis of the data and come up with the following analysis and present […]
PART 1: The following table shows the number of marriages in a given State broken down by age groups and gender: AGE at the time of the marriage Less than 20 20-24 25-34 35-44 45 + Total Male 505 7,760 27,072 10,950 12,173 Female 1,252 11,405 27,632 9,651 10,352 Totals Use the table to answer […]
Estadistica Basica
Defina y suministre ejemplos: regresin lineal simple Correlacin coeficiente de correlacin estimacin de los prametros de regresin (coeficiente y pendiente) prueba de hiptesis para regresin lineal simple
In this project you are asked to conduct your own research into two variables that interest you. This project will give you an opportunity to apply the skills and techniques you learn in this class and to produce a professional report using appropriate technology. This is a MAJOR, on-going assignment and is worth 15% of […]
Market Analysis Research
Purpose MBA Business Plan component Context One of the most important elements in a business plan is the market analysis. A market analysis is a qualitative and quantitative assessment of a market. It includes data collection and estimation in reference to the market size and value; characteristics of the intended customer base; in-depth understanding […]
Interpreting A Factor Analysis
Factor analysis is a powerful statistical technique that is frequently used in test construction. When performing factor analysis, researchers look at correlations between test items or variables and, in doing so, seek to discover underlying dimensions. It may be discovered that groups of items measure the same dimension, which may in turn lead to […]
Confidence Intervals
The project is broken into two parts. In this Part I, you will pick a topic, complete research and provide a write-up that includes calculations. Round all values to two decimal places when appropriate. Deliverables Choose a Topic where you can gather at least 50 pieces of data. Examples of Topics The Golden Gate […]
In this project you are asked to conduct your own research into two variables that interest you. This project will give you an opportunity to apply the skills and techniques you learn in this class and to produce a professional report using appropriate technology. This is a MAJOR, on-going assignment and is worth 15% […]